Speaking of the Pope…remember when Sinead O’Connor was all the rage before all her rage short circuited an otherwise promising career? She had the 90’s in the palm of her hand until she ripped on the pontiff on SNL and then the decade slipped right through her fingers. Her crowning glory came courtesy of...
Top Raitt-ed Cover
There’s a lot to be said about Bonnie Raitt’s new record Slipstream. It’s comes after a seven year recording hiatus and it marks the launch of her new label Redwing Records. She hooked up with free thinking producer Joe Henry, she’s added some new faces to her lineup including one of our favorite guitarists,...
For The Love of Country
Pretty much everyone knows Norah Jones from her solo records and occasional guest spots (we loved her on last year’s Rome), but her work with the group The Little Willies may come as a pleasant surprise to some especially if you’ve got a hankerin’ for classic country. She has reconvened with her band of...
TGIF Again
As we look back on some of our favorite matters of life and music from 2011, this video from Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon remains a standout. In case you missed it, here is our original post and if you’ve seen it already, it’s just as good revisited and it will only help put...
All We Are Saying…
As we remember John Lennon we are once again reminded how his contribution to this planet has transcended generations and genres. His presence is still felt widely across the universe and while we are forever saddened by his loss, his music continues to uplift. Of the many Lennon tribute records, our recent favorite is...
Soft Cover
It’s not often you come across cool Rolling Stones covers but just as we’re talking about the re-release of Some Girls, I bumped into this toned down sleepy Sunday morning version of “Miss You.” It’s from the Swedish indie band, The Concretes who became a little less obscure a few years back when their...