Raise your hand if Tower Records meant something to your younger record buying self and you really miss having it around. Now raise your hand if you’d like to see the documentary about Tower’s rise and fall that’s still in the works come to completion. It’s actor Colin Hanks’ hope that if you’re sitting there with both hands in the air, you might want to contribute to his quest to get this story told. He’s in the process of making All Things Must Pass – The Rise and Fall of Tower Records, but as it often happens with documentaries, he ran short on cash. So he’s begun a Kickstarter campaign to raise the remaining 50 grand he needs. (Kickstarter is a place where anyone with a creative idea can publicly ask for funding with the hopes there’s enough people out there who will help them realize their dream.) Hanks says he likes the idea of using today’s digital tools to honor the institution of the past. He’s bringing it right to the people who feel his same love to get the job done. So he’s put together the video below and these few moments bring up all that old Tower stuff we thought we were over. It’s definitely a movie that needs to be made and not being able to finish it would be another nail in an already buried coffin. He’s over half way there and with more than a month to go, it will likely happen. But I can’t help but ask…really Colin, Kickstarter? Isn’t that for people who don’t already have a Hollywood career and maybe whose dad isn’t Tom Hanks? More power to him, I guess.
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