Peter Frampton has been gracing the music world with his guitar and songwriting talents for over 40 years (as hard as that is to believe). Listen to this boomitude original podcast as one of the most recognizable voices of our time traces his steps from humble beginnings to his latest tour de force.

Thank You Mr. Churchill
Frampton Comes Alive
Something’s Happening
Peter Frampton
Peter Frampton’s Facebook Fan Page
Photo credit: Gregg Roth
Another great podcast – you’re making people want to buy these records … a lot more than the record labels are doing!
There’s a lot of great artists making great music….just not as many places to find it!
GREAT! PETE!! gotta get this..
Thank You, PF for inspiring me to learn more about Mr. Churchill and the country you grew up in. You stories behind the music makes them more enjoyable.
I have been a die hard Frampton fan since high school, I’m 47 now, so I have been loving his songs for a long time! I’ve known Peter through his songs longer than I have known my husband, and we’ve been together for 30 years. It is so nice to have an artist who continues to put out albums of great performances that you can relate to, especially as you grow older. It was great to hear the interview and find out the inspiration behind the music. I haven’t missed getting an album since high school of Peter’s and I’m not gonna stop now. Thank you for providing the interview and some insight into Peter’s writing and history of playing music. It was very interesting to me. ~gin~
great blog thank you