When we originally ran this piece on The Huffington Post it was titled The Art of the Badass. Partially because it was a good way to get it onto the Arts page (that was before their AOL hookup and subsequent big company music page) but mostly because the shoe really fit. What else could you possibly call a loving and reverent tribute to Miles Davis as told by none other than punk rock extraordinaire Henry Rollins? It was part of one of the most extensive and popular series produced by our podcast king (he didn’t earn that title for nothin’) dedicated to the famed jazz trumpeter. But it took a little heat from the jazzerati who were less than thrilled with Henry’s mere presence on their turf. But that’s kind of the point. No question, Miles was a superstar in the jazz world but breaking barriers and spreading the love across all genres was also part of his genius. But don’t take our word for it because Henry really says it best. So without further adieu, in honor of Miles’ 85th birthday, we bring you the eloquent stylings of Mr. Henry Rollins. And to toot our own horn just a little bit, as far as podcasts go, it’s super badass!
The Huffington Post – The Art of Bad Ass
Miles Davis
Henry Rollins