Last night HBO premiered His Way, the entertaining documentary about legendary producer and character Jerry Weintraub. He made his early mark and fortune in show business by first taking Elvis Presley out on the road and that set the stage for his success promoting Frank Sinatra, Neil Diamond, The Carpenters, John Denver and countless others. Parlaying that experience into a thriving movie career, he earned his first film credit in 1975 as producer of Robert Altman’s Nashville. His run continued with Oh God, Diner and The Karate Kid with the inevitable ups and downs included. His more recent splash came from the Oceans 11-13 franchise and hearing George Clooney, Matt Damon, Ellen Barkin and the rest of that crew recount their dealings with their boss is almost as good as hearing it from Weintraub first hand. His stories are fascinating and he’s that kind of broke-the-mold Hollywood heavyweight that pulls no punches. He was born with a killer instinct and if he possesses any super human power whatsoever, it would be his ability to never take no for an answer. That’s just his way and it continues to work for him. Just ask his wife and his girlfriend. Look for reruns throughout the month on HBO but in the meantime, here’s the trailer:
George Clooney looks SO HOT in this trailer, not to mention that VOICE. Wish we had HBO.
It may be worth getting HBO for!? (Though what’s w/ Brad’s beard?) Once it finishes its run, I’m sure it will be out on DVD. Need a George fix? See ‘The American’ – LOTS of closeups!! 🙂