The new VW Beetle is about to hit the streets and if you’re of the many whose first car was a bug (or experienced some other life changing first in one), then you’ll probably feel that nostalgic tug of the heart when you see the new commercial that VW begins running today. Our little love bug is all grown up and though the 2012 model is sleeker and more sophisticated than the old favorite that makes a proud cameo, it’s still got that same fun lovin’ attitude. Or at least that’s what VW is trying to tell us with the use of the high-five theme and “The Clapping Song” – the snappy 1965 number made famous by Shirley Ellis. If you’re thinking you kind of remember who she is but it’s still sort of a blur, here’s a hint: She’s Shirley Shirley Bo Birley Banana Fana Fo Firley Fee Fi Mo Mirley….that Shirley. Five to that!