Bjork Style

Bjork Style

When it comes to Björk, there’s no middle of the road…it’s either love or hate. I’ve been on the side of love long before the dreaded white swan dress and for the record, her contribution to the tragic but brilliant Lars von Trier film musical Dancer in the Dark far outweighs any fashion mishap. She’s a one of a kind artist and I always look forward to her latest creation. Not only is the music in her latest Biophilia filled with all the atypical Björk bells and whistles but apparently there’s also an app for that. I’m not sure how much I personally need an iPad app to enhance my listening experience but I guess it’s nice to know it’s there…just in case? And because Björk is all about savoring the sonics, when debuting her latest video on her blog, she asks that you please listen with headphones or proper speakers to get her full intended effect. So in perfect Björk fashion, here is a stunning live performance of “Thunderbolt”…and I can just hear the haters now.
